How CEO Nancy Briefs Raised $1.5M during COVID & Got VCs Saying: "BEST DECK EVER"

Another week, another success story.

Meet Nancy Briefs — with 6 venture-backed companies, several exits, an IPO and over $500M raised under her belt, she knows what raising capital is all about. But it was still a challenge to distill her new life sciences company AltrixBio's essence into a compelling and visual story that investors would latch onto.

Nancy, with a novel therapeutic technology based on decades of proven science and a short path market, knew she had so much to offer to people living with Type II Diabetes.

What she didn’t know was how to take a very technical story, bring out its most simple concepts, and turn it into a beautifully turnkey package that would get investors excited. She knew there was a lot there, and that with so much on the line, it made sense to get a professional second set of eyes.

Let’s break it down:

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Who? Nancy Briefs, AltrixBio. Life sciences veteran CEO with 6 VC-backed companies, 3 exits, an IPO and $500M raised.

Problem: Story was too technical, needed to be simplified. Graphics were complicated and difficult to digest.

Solution: Work with Unicorn Business Plans on an End-to-End Pitch Production (our done-for-you 1on1 consulting program that delivers you a tailored, fully graphic designed pitch laced with pro-level strategies fit for the biggest VCs and HNWIs on the planet without spending a dime on expensive investment bankers or countless hours on a maybe-it's-good-enough pitch that may be a hit… or might be a dud).

Did it work? Yep. Nancy raised $1.5M - DURING COVID (!) - got accepted into the J.P. Morgan-sponsored RESI Conference investor event in San Francisco, and by the end of her RESI pitch someone in the audience was standing up saying "BEST PITCH EVER". Afterwards, she called me up and left a voicemail saying, "I just had to let you know, your deck was a HIT! The VCs we pitched today LOVED it!"

Here’s a quick video testimonial of Nancy sharing some of the journey —

“I’ve raised capital several times before, and there’s a lot at stake when you go in front of investors. You need to have your story straight and clear - and your pitch must look excellent in order to maximize your effectiveness and likelihood to successfully raise. And that’s really important because having the right investors on board is crucial - teamwork makes the dream work.

Before working with Unicorn, we had gone through several iterations of the deck. It was ‘OK’ but it still needed work, because our story is simple, but the company is complex because we’re treating Type II Diabetes. And we needed Unicorn to help us tell the story clearly and visually without overwhelming investors with technical data.

Overall, Unicorn did a great job with our deck, to the point that when we presented at the JP Morgan RESI Conference in San Francisco, someone from the audience stood up and told us that it was the best deck he had ever seen, in front of everyone. It was really a great experience, we successfully raised $1,500,000 through the MIT alumni group and we’re still using Unicorn’s work today.”

Nancy Briefs
CEO and Co-founder, AltrixBio

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